The state should rationally plan bus shelters
Release date : 22 Feb 2022

The production of bus shelters requires careful planning in the early stage. The planning is not carried out blindly, but through multiple inquiries and careful planning. Such shelters are not only beautiful and practical, then the specific planning steps are as follows:

First of all, user group positioning, bus shelters are widely used as public facilities, and the needs of the largest user groups and special groups need to be considered in the design.

Secondly, the shape and positioning of the bus shelter needs to be based on the urban characteristics of the bus shelter construction and the surrounding environment to determine whether the platform is modern or retro, and it is necessary to fully consider the shape, color, material selection, etc. Urban design concept, choose different colors and shapes.

bus shelter

Then, the functional positioning of bus station shelters needs to take into account human factors, and consider issues such as diversion, safety, intelligent station announcement, and seat sorting garbage bins.

Finally, it is the technical positioning of bus station shelters. According to the economic development level of different cities, the future development of bus stations should be planned for a long time, and some technological factors should be applied to enhance intelligence, such as whether to use solar energy technology, whether to integrate high-tech factors Incorporated into the design of bus stop shelters.

The design of bus shelters should follow the principles of humanization, intelligence, combining practical functions and aesthetics, and become an important carrier of regional culture. I think such a unique and comfortable shelter can bring convenient services to passengers. Wisdom Cities make life easier.