The impact of intelligent bus shelters on citizens' lives and their maintenance methods
Release date : 20 Mar 2023

The use of intelligence has brought earth-shaking changes to the lives of citizens. In the future, many cities will also improve the supporting facilities of bus shelters. GPS satellite positioning system can be implemented in the application of intelligent bus shelters. In the future, citizens can obtain real-time bus travel information, location, arrival time, and other information through mobile phones. In the future, seamless information docking will be achieved in all aspects, thereby better improving the living standards of citizens.

Bus shelters are indispensable facilities in our daily travel, especially in urban planning and construction. During the use of bus shelters, it is still necessary to conduct regular inspections to ensure the safety of the shelters.

Whether the development of a city can be close to the lives of citizens, and whether it can be considered for users to varying degrees. Many passengers need to take a look at the bus stop when taking a bus. For those unfamiliar with the terrain, this can be very troublesome. Nowadays, with the birth of some intermittent technologies, more and more sites are undergoing significant changes. They have evolved from simple parking signs to not only provide shelter from the wind and rain, but also predict the arrival time of buses, solar panels, and intelligent shelter systems for rolling.


Firstly, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive and careful inspection of the bus shelter, focusing on checking whether the frame and layout of the bus shelter have fallen off, whether the fixing bolts are loose or damaged, and whether the advertising screen is damaged. Secondly, check the safety of relevant power supply lines, control equipment, lightning protection, anti-leakage grounding, and other devices. The rolling light box is the "face" of a city. To maintain the image of the city and make them work better, we should regularly conduct "physical examinations" on rolling lightboxes.

In the past, bus shelters still erected roadside parking signs, without awnings to shield them from the wind and rain. The available information is a bus route map posted on stop signs. Near urban areas, there are lights near shelters, which makes many passengers feel uneasy and unsafe at night. Especially in towns, traditional bus shelters are mostly dark. Today, intelligent car shelters not only have rolling systems but also solar panels. Solar-powered shelters can perform incredible functions. When there is sufficient sunlight during the day, sufficient power is reserved for daily work and the use of the night scrolling system and LED display provides many conveniences for passengers' lives.

Due to long-term outdoor placement, bus shelters are often damaged by wind, sun, and some human factors. The paint on the outer frame of some bus shelters has fallen off, aged, and rusted. Although the advertising posters of some bus shelters are still scrolling, it is difficult to see the advertising content inside, seriously affecting the appearance of the city. To extend the use time of the bus shelter, we need to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the bus shelter.

The impact of intelligent bus shelters on the lives of citizens and their maintenance methods includes the following points. If you have project procurement needs, please call for a consultation.