Bus shelter manufacturer: The importance of regular maintenance of bus stops
Release date : 10 Nov 2022

The strong natural wind will bring many potential safety hazards. For example, the outdoor bus shelter needs to face the harsh natural environment. Therefore, regular maintenance is necessary.

In addition to rare typhoons, prolonged exposure, rain, frost, snow, etc. will affect the shelter to varying degrees, and these details are also easy to be ignored. To ensure the safety of the bus station shelter facilities and provide a safe riding environment and a good riding experience for the citizens, the shelter manufacturer suggests that the relevant management departments regularly carry out safety inspections on the old shelters.


What are the maintenance items of the bus shelter? Foshan professional waiting booth manufacturer answers: the inspection focuses on whether the main steel structure of the waiting booth is safe and stable, whether the ceiling, pavilion body, stop signs, seats and other facilities are damaged, whether various signs are clear, and whether power connection is safe.

In case of potential safety hazards such as circuit aging, ceiling shaking, column displacement, etc., relevant departments need to immediately take measures for the shelter, or repair or build it to eliminate potential safety hazards and ensure safe use. At the same time, daily inspection will be strengthened and normalized management will be done well.

The above is the relevant consultation provided by Yilong Bus Shelter Manufacturer. If you want to know more, please follow the official website of Yilong Bus Shelter Manufacturer.