Bus station manufacturers: The characteristics of smart bus shelters
Release date : 22 Aug 2022

As the infrastructure of urban transportation, bus stops are established in every corner of the city. With the popularization of smart devices such as smartphones and smart furniture, people's needs and the current market situation are changing. Take the bus station as an example, it has developed in the direction of smart bus shelters.

1. Electronic stop sign

In the past, ordinary bus stops could only see the driving routes of bus lines and basic bus lines. The intelligent bus station displays the distance of the bus from the station through the electronic stop sign so that passengers can know the real-time distance at any time and refuse to be blind.

2. Information release

The intelligent bus station will become an effective platform for the government to release emergency information, release information for the first time, and become one of the components of the urban emergency response system. Smart bus stops can also publish various public information, such as weather forecasts, news, and more.

smart bus shelter

3. Intelligent monitoring

A wireless surveillance camera is installed on the top of the smart bus station, which can monitor the traffic conditions such as buses, passenger flow, and traffic flow around the bus station in real-time. This not only facilitates the management of the traffic control department but also helps the public security department to manage and monitor the city's public security.

4. Data collection

The intelligent bus station can collect relevant data according to real-time monitoring, and check the location of the vehicle through the background information management center. Timely communication with the traffic control department greatly facilitates the management of urban traffic.

The smart bus shelter has the above characteristics, and the rich functions make it more convenient for passengers.