Points for attention in the design of bus shelters
Release date : 09 Mar 2022

When designing bus shelters, many customers pay attention to style and shape, but for manufacturers, there are many more important points that need to be paid attention to. Next, let's take a look at the design and manufacture of  YEROO bus shelter.

bus shelter

In terms of structural safety, the design of the bus shelter should pay special attention to the load-bearing of the product. Earlier there was news that the roof of the bus shelter was collapsed by heavy snow. If such details are not done well, it will cause great safety hazards. Therefore, this is a thousand Must not be ignored. In fact, the load-bearing problem of the bus shelter will be affected by many factors during the load-bearing process, such as the material and thickness of the column. Under the same circumstances, the material and thickness of the column are selected according to the optimal choice, then its load-bearing effect is relatively low. Definitely better.

In the subsequent use, the design of the bus shelter should take into account the convenience and safety. Convenience refers to whether it is convenient for passengers to get on the bus, how well the traffic diversion effect is, etc.; safety issues are the top priority of bus shelter design, rationally divert the flow of people and ensure the safety of passengers. situation and how to deal with it. Reasonably set the location of getting on and off the bus. You can use guardrails, signs, symbols, etc. to remind everyone to queue up and get on and off the bus, not crowded.