Smart bus station shelters, a must for modern cities
Release date : 17 Nov 2021

The bus station shelter is one of the indispensable infrastructures in every city. It can reflect the construction status of the city’s public transportation system. The optimized bus station shelter is an essential element of a modern city and provides great opportunities for people to travel. Convenience, and reflects the good trend of intelligent travel and scientific life.

What conveniences do bus stop kiosks bring to our lives? The following article introduces the bus shelter in detail:

1. Smart travel. Today's bus shelters mostly realize intelligent system positioning and can view traffic information on mobile computer terminals. They can travel thousands of miles without leaving home. Compared with traditional stop signs, intelligent and electronic stop signs can Check the relevant route map through WeChat official account or exclusive small program, software and other platforms, real-time arrival status, and realize the multiple linkage of urban bus stations.

bus station shelter

2. Pack lightly. The modern bus station kiosk is not just a place for waiting and waiting, but a site that integrates rest, charging, entertainment and leisure. Take the more advanced bus station kiosk as an example, set up some charging facilities, video magazines, etc. on the guard box Recreation, leisure, and relaxation programs can allow passengers to enrich themselves while waiting for the bus, relax their mood, and reduce the boredom of waiting for the bus.

3. City Beautification Officer. Bus station pavilions are not only practical facilities, but also beautify officials in the city. Now the diversified bus station pavilion design is no longer a cold mechanical wind. There are multiple bus station pavilions on one street. Overlooking the city, the bus station pavilions are assembled into a city route map. The ingeniously designed and highly beautified sentry boxes can really add luster to the beautification of the city.

Do you love the convenience and advantages of modern bus stations?